The Work Isn’t Done: The Importance Of Detoxing After Remission

In the aftermath of cancer treatment, the focus often shifts to recovery, gut healing, and strengthening the body’s natural defenses. One critical aspect of this phase is detoxification, especially after the heavy toll that treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can take on our body’s detox pathways and total toxic load. Toxin exposure likely played at least a small role in your diagnosis, and we want to resolve this area in order to set the scene for a continued long and healthy life. Understanding how to support detoxification can be a game-changer for anyone in remission, perhaps especially pediatric cancer patients whose bodies are even more susceptible to damage from toxin exposure.

Understanding how to support detoxification can be a game changer for anyone in remission.

The Importance of Detoxification

Detoxification is more than just a buzzword; it’s a vital process that our bodies perform continuously. Our liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin, and even our respiratory system work in harmony to eliminate toxins and waste products that accumulate from our metabolism, environment, and yes, cancer treatments – which, while lifesaving, are incredibly toxic.


My favorite metaphor is the fishbowl metaphor. Imagine the patient as a fish in a fish bowl. The water in the fishbowl is getting pretty murky – it contains a lifetime of toxin exposure. Now, the fish gets sick. So the doctors take the fish out of the bowl, and bring it to the hospital, where they do surgery, chemotherapy and more to heal the fish. The fish gets to ring the bell, and then they plop him right back in that same murky water where he continues to live as he did before he got sick. Do you think the fish is going to stay healthy for long?

Supporting the Liver:

The liver is the cornerstone of our body’s detoxification system, processing everything from metabolic waste to external toxins. After treatment, supporting the liver’s function can help alleviate the burden of chemotherapy and other medications. Castor oil packs, known for their anti-inflammatory and liver-supportive properties, can be a super simple and gentle, yet effective way to aid liver detoxification. Similarly, key supplements like glutathione can play a crucial role in neutralizing toxins and facilitating their elimination – especially for patients who have certain epigenetic SNPs that influence their body’s own glutathione production.

Kidney Care:

Our kidneys are vital in filtering waste from our blood and excreting it through our urine. Hydration is key to supporting kidney function, especially post-treatment. Encouraging the intake of clean, filtered water can help flush out toxins and ensure that the kidneys are working efficiently. Certain herbs and foods are also key for kidney health and this is something we provide individualized guidance on

Skin Detox: Sweating It Out

The skin, our largest organ, plays a significant role in detoxification through sweating. Practices like sauna use, particularly infrared saunas, can stimulate sweating and help release stored toxins. Dry brushing and regular physical activity also promote skin detoxification by enhancing circulation and encouraging sweat.

Nutrition Matters!

What we eat significantly impacts our detoxification pathways. Incorporating detox-supportive foods into the diet can bolster the body’s natural detox processes. Beets and greens, rich in antioxidants and nutrients, support liver health and methylation, a critical process in detoxification. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale activate detoxification enzymes in the liver, while dandelion greens support both liver and kidney health.

Tailoring Detox to Individual Needs

It’s important to remember that detoxification is not a one-size-fits-all process. Individual needs, especially in pediatric cancer patients, can vary widely based on their treatment history, epigenetics, and overall health. Epigenetics can offer insights into specific detox pathways that may need more support, allowing for a more personalized detox plan.


For more on epigenetics, read this blog post!

A Continuous Journey

Detoxification after cancer treatment is not a one-time event but a continuous process that we aim to integrate into your lifestyle as a ‘new normal’ aimed at maintaining optimal health. We will keep up with regular testing and occasional adjustments of detox strategies. The goal is a long, healthy, happy life!

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